Off grid and self sufficient for energy.
We are planning to source all the energy the house needs directly from site and the sun. Once the house is completed we will monitor and present the results here for a minimum of 5 years.
Section 13 of the Design and Access Statement explains how we intend to achieve this.
We have chosen methods of creating energy that are suitable for this particular place, that work best for us and have the best side benefits as well.
The floodplain meadows and hedges are precious habitats that need human management to maintain them. A by product of this maintenance is totally sustainable biomass fuel that can be used for space and water heating in the house.
The building is designed to be energy efficient which reduces the amount of biomass required, but the small amount that is needed through the winter period will have to be harvested and prepared on site during summer and autumn. This annual event will strengthen bonds with the landscape and wider environment giving the residents a new perspective and understanding about energy used.